1. Event is Saturday October 4th, 2025, in Mounds Ok. Set-up by the vendor shall be between the hours of 6:30 am and 7:30 am. Vendors vehicles must be out of the unloading area within 15 minutes of arrival at vendor assigned location.

2. All Sales during the event are subject to local and state sales tax of 9.5%. All taxes collected from the event will be submitted to OTC. However, if you have an OK Tax ID number, you must provide a copy with your vendor application. Sales Tax collection instructions will be provided to all vendors attached to vendor set up instruction/confirmation letters and/or via email from OTC.

3. Your location will be provided to you via e-mail the week of the event. Check-in instructions will be emailed the week of the event.

4. Please note—canopies/tents, tables, chairs and other items you might need are your responsibility and will not be provided. Food vendors requiring power must provide their own generator and must disclose on this application that one will be utilized.

5. You may begin tear down when trophy presentation begins which is approximately 2:30-3:00 pm. Please have area vacated and all trash cleaned within one hour after conclusion of event.

6. This is an outdoor event and there are no guarantees for weather. We ARE a rain or shine event.

7. We do not guarantee any vendor will have an exclusive on any item.

8. All Vendors are invited to donate a Door Prize to the event and may be turned into the Registration Table anytime between 9 am to 10 am. (Please include donation information on this form.)

9. No stand-alone signage per Town of Mounds Ordinance along streets, sidewalks, or other areas. Vendors are NOT allowed to approach announcer without express permission from Vendor Coordinator.

10. Food Vendors must include a copy of the menu with registration- please indicate menu items you will have the day of the event. (no deviation/additions once submitted without approval from Vendor Coordinator).

11. Refunds will be at the discretion of the Vendor Coordinator.

12. No-shows may register for future events but may not be accepted and will be at the discretion of the Vendor Coordinator.

13. Unbecoming behavior of any vendor may result in not participating in future events and/or being asked to leave the event at the discretion of the Vendor Coordinator.

Hold Harmless Clause: The exhibitor/vendor assumes the entire responsibility and ability for losses, damages and claims arising out of injury to persons or damage to displays, equipment or other property brought upon the premises and agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Mounds Annual Car Show and it’s Committee Members, volunteers, and attendees against claims or expenses for such losses, including reasonable attorney’s fees arising out of use of space at the event. The exhibitors/vendor understands that the Mounds Annual Car Show does not maintain insurance covering the exhibitor/vendor property or lost revenues and it is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor/vendor to obtain such insurance.

We look forward to seeing you at the 22nd Annual Mounds Car Show!

Vendor Application deadline is September 1, 2025. Vendor Fees may be paid by check payable to MACS or via Cash App to $MoundsCarShow2003 (please include Vendor Name in Comments) Mail Vendor Application supporting documents and application payment to: MACS, Attn: KaSandra Newman, PO Box 258. Mounds Ok 74047. You may contact me by e-mail at kasandralnewman@gmail.com or moundscarshow@yahoo.com or by text to 918-230-3478.

Early Bird Registration- discount of $5.00 if form and payment received by June 30, 2025.

Registration Deadline Sept 1st 2025.